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Hedgehog has new friends!

Primary school students from Liszki are another group of young explorers who have had the opportunity to test the educational set prepared as part of the InEdu project. The children got interested in the material prepared for them in the classroom right away. They quickly spotted the bowl with water, a plate full of soil and branches placed in the classroom. They were super excited to see what the class was going to be about and really curious to get to know the main character of the educational set Hedgehog.

Kamishibai theatre was also interesting for the children from the very start. They eagerly listened to the story and answered questions about Hedgehog’s adventures.

During the class, the teacher was using a scenario planned for springtime: “What is a living thing?” Following the class, the children learned the difference between inanimate and animate nature. The scenario engaged children into active participation and they were eager to identify the natural and man-made objects in their classroom.

See how they worked during the class.

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