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Time to sum up!

InEdu – the first international project launched by the Children’s University Foundation is now completed. In the past two years we have primarily promoted new educational methods based on international good practices and on strengthening the children’s critical thinking competencies.…

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InEdu – what’s new?

Our partners’ hard work is bearing fruit! All the changes we discussed during our seminars have been introduced and thus we have now completed all the graphics with our protagonist – the hedgehog. We are now working on online material…

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The final seminar

The final three-day seminar finalizing the international InEdu programme is now over. Thanks to the courtesy of the British Council, our partners from Austria, UK, and Ireland and our team could work right in the beautiful heart of Krakow’s Old…

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Hedgehog has new friends!

Primary school students from Liszki are another group of young explorers who have had the opportunity to test the educational set prepared as part of the InEdu project. The children got interested in the material prepared for them in the…

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Third creative seminar on teaching methods

Third seminar took place on 11-14th of December in Vienna. Three days of intensive cooperation worked out further tools for teachers and educators. Inspired by education tools 'Kinder Uni on tour' delivered by one of the projet's partners the experts…

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Seminar in Bedford

Second seminar on creative teaching methods that took place in Bedford on 12-14th September was a great adventure! Experts were searching for a common ground to create the best effective tools that can help teachers and educators in Europe to…

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